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Ro ro cargo

Ro Cargo is a type of shipping method that enables large vehicles and equipment that hefty be transported across figures of water or by land, also the ILEYS's product such as ocean shipping. The term “Ro” stands for “Roll-On, Roll-Off” cargo, indicating the ease of loading and goods which are unloading the carrier. As opposed to being lifted by cranes, Ro Cargo is driven onto a cargo truck or ship carrier via ramps. This method was ideal for transporting vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses, and construction equipment.

Advantages of Ro Cargo

There is many advantages to Ro Cargo transportation methods, along with the sea freight from china to Netherlands supplied by ILEYS. One of the benefits which can be main the cost-effectiveness of the method. Ro cargo can transport a large amount of vehicles, reducing the shipping that general. Additionally, Ro cargo do not need any packaging or disassembly of the goods, which saves money and time.

Another advantage that great of Ro cargo is the convenience and the versatility of the shipping method. Ro cargo ships can access a variety of ports around the world, making shipping that international and more cost-effective. The method allows for easy and loading that quick unloading procedures, which reduces the burden on both the sender and the receiver.

Why choose ILEYS Ro ro cargo?

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