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container(fcl 20gp/40gp/40hq) transportation story


In our company, we specialize in container shipping,transport goods from China to countries all over the world. Our regular shipments include a wide range of construction materials such as steel, plywood, nails, glasses, as well as chemical products like water treatment product and food additives. We also transport various types of equipment, including mining machinery. Let me share a story of shipping steel products in containers with you.
In 2012, we undertook a significant shipment of 60x40hq containers to an Indian client. It's important to note that Tianjin Port like many ports worldwide, requires all incoming cargo to be accurately weighed. If the weight of cargo exceeds the specified limits for both the port and the containers, it is not permitted to enter the port.
For this particular shipment, we faced a unique challenge. The cargo consisted of petroleum drill pipes with a special coating, which was the first time the shipper had exported such items. Unfortunately, the shipper had miscalculated the gross weight of the cargo, which led to our shipment being rejected upon arrival at the port.
In the face of this unexpected setback, I personally went to the port and, working alongside the dockworkers, began the arduous task of re-weighing and re-loading each container. This process required painstaking attention to detail and a substantial investment of time and energy. We had to rebalance the weights, ensuring that each container met the port's weight requirements.
Despite the significant challenges, our team's dedication and determination prevailed. We worked tirelessly to reconfigure the shipment, adhering to the necessary regulations and ensuring the cargo's safe passage. After considerable effort, we successfully reloaded and shipped the goods to our Indian client, rectifying the initial miscalculation.
This experience not only highlights the importance of precise weight calculations in container shipping but also showcases our unwavering


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