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Siguran i jeftin Shenzhen oceanski otpremnik LCL FCL kontejner od 20ft/40ft/40hq iz Kine u Rusiju/Gruziju Hrvatska

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Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia details
Opis proizvoda
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia factory
Poslovni Tip
Poslovna usluga
Država / regija
Shandong, Kina
glavni proizvodi
Pomorski prijevoz, Željeznički prijevoz Express
Ukupno zaposlenih
11 - 50 ljudi
godina osnivanja
Hot-Sale proizvodi
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia details
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia supplier
Karakteristike proizvoda
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia details
Info o poduzeću
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia supplier
Možemo obavljati pomorski prijevoz, zračni prijevoz, ekspresni prijevoz, željeznički prijevoz, carinjenje, usluge kamionskog prijevoza, osiguranje, usluge skladištenja i tako dalje. Ileys ima operativno iskustvo u Qingdaou, Šangaju, Tianjinu, Dalianu, Ningbou, Guangzhouu, Shenzhenu, Wuhanu, Chongqiongu i tako dalje. Imamo agente u Australiji, Europi, Americi, jugoistočnoj Aziji, Bliskom istoku i Africi, možemo prevoziti teret na EXW/DDU/DAP/DDP terminima kako bismo našim klijentima pružili praktično iskustvo trgovanja. Ileys ima vrlo dobro iskustvo u kontejnerski prijevoz, imamo dobar odnos s MSK/CMA/MSC/HMM/PIL/COSCO i tako dalje, možemo dobiti najbolju cijenu od njih. prevozimo mnogo različitih tereta kao što su gume, čelični proizvodi, košare od vrbe, proizvodi od stakla, šperploča, kemikalije i tako dalje. Možemo također prevoziti rasuti teret, prevozimo mnogo tereta rasutim teretom, kao što su čelični proizvodi, cisterne, kemijska gnojiva, natrijev klorid i tako dalje. Možemo obavljati i FBA poslove. Imamo skladište i možemo obavljati palete, skladištenje i razbijanje paleta, prevozimo i neke terete na uvozne uvjete, imamo vrlo dobar tim za kamione i carinjenje, možemo pomoći našim klijentima da bolje završe prijevoz. Možemo obaviti utovar, vezivanje, izvozni i uvozni agent Također, čekamo vaš kontakt, nadamo se da možemo raditi zajedno i doživjeti našu bolju uslugu.
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia factory
Certificate Of Honor
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia factory
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia details
Usluga procesa
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia supplier
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia manufacture
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia factory
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia details
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia supplier
Safe and cheap Shenzhen ocean freight forwarder LCL FCL 20ft/40ft/40hq container from China to Russia/Georgia factory



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