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Námorný špeditér z Číny do Južnej Ameriky prepravný agent s dobrými službami a cenou po mori FCL

  • úvod


Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL factory
Popis produktov
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL manufacture
Typ podniku
Obchodná služba
Krajina / Región
Shandong, Čína
hlavné produkty
Námorná doprava, Železničná doprava 
Celkový počet zamestnancov
11 - 50 ľudí
rok založenia
Hot-Sale produkty
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL details
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL factory
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL factory
Charakteristika výrobku
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL supplier
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL manufacture
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL supplier
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL manufacture
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL details
Informácie o spoločnosti
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL details
Môžeme robiť námornú dopravu, leteckú dopravu, expresnú, železničnú dopravu, colné odbavenie, autodopravu, poistenie, skladové služby atď. a tak ďalej. Máme agenta v Austrálii, Európe, Amerike, juhovýchodnej Ázii, na Strednom východe av Afrike, môžeme prepravovať náklad na termíne EXW/DDU/DAP/DDP, aby sme našim zákazníkom poskytli komfortné obchodné skúsenosti.Ileys má veľmi dobré skúsenosti v kontajnerová preprava, máme dobrý vzťah s MSK/CMA/MSC/HMM/PIL/COSCO a tak ďalej, môžeme od nich získať najlepšiu cenu. prepravujeme veľa rôznych nákladov, ako sú pneumatiky, oceľové výrobky, vŕbový kôš, sklenený výrobok, preglejky, chemikálie atď. môžeme robiť palety, skladovanie a rozbíjanie paliet, prepravujeme aj nejaký náklad na dovozný termín, máme veľmi dobrý tím nákladných vozidiel a colné odbavenie, môžeme pomôcť našim zákazníkom lepšie dokončiť prepravu. Môžeme urobiť nakladanie, viazanie, vývoz a dovoz Tiež čakáme na váš kontakt, dúfame, že môžeme spolupracovať a zažiť naše lepšie služby.
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL manufacture
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL supplier
Čestný certifikát
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL details
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL supplier
Proces služby
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL details
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL details
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL factory
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL manufacture
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL factory
Sea freight forwarder from China to South america shipping agent with good service and price by sea FCL manufacture



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